Project Work by Perins Students

One of the highlights of the Education and Community programme, an integral aspect of our Organ Conservation and Restoration project, is the work to be undertaken by students from Perins School, Alresford. This is an exciting, innovative and imaginative approach which will see students undertaking a cross curricular project resulting in a highly creative digital resource - a Virtual Visitor’s Guide to the heritage of the church which, when ready, will be featured on our website, and on the school’s web resources. This will act as an ongoing model of excellent, imaginative and technically contemporary practice bringing the history and heritage of St John’s alive in a genuinely accessible way to all age groups.

Through their project work in music, music technology, drama, art, history, photography and film, these young people will work collaboratively on an in-depth creative arts and history study of the history and heritage of the Church.

Work on this has already commenced! Students have undertaken and filmed in-person interviews exploring every aspect  of the Church with Lord Mark Ashburton and Judge Michael Brodrick.  More recently, a party of some 20 film and photography students visited St John’s. They spent around 2 hours capturing their impressions and filming and photographing some of the unique aspects of the church and its heritage artefacts and sculptures.

Hatty Parker

Website designer and marketing support for small businesses.

All about Neil Valentine - Organ Project Animateur


Organ Conservation and Restoration Project