Two Choral concerts in St John’s Northington delight audiences

With the autumn events schedule now underway, two choral concerts brought audiences totalling over 90 people to St John’s to enjoy two beautiful programmes:

1)     Candover Valley Choir, Vox Lucis, and the University of Winchester (24th  September 2023)

This was a concert of partners featuring the  Candover Valley Choir,  Vox Lucis, and singers from  the University of Winchester Music Centre. The Programme included VIVALDI’S GLORIA, plus pieces by Byrd, Tallis, Guerrero, Faure, Whitacre, and other choral delights!

  • Conductor: Jane Bryant

  • Organist: John Purver

  • Soloists: Vicky Feldwick; Olivia King; Philippa Pellereau

 The audience took delight in both the venue and its heritage setting and artefacts,  as well as in the music itself and its performance – which also included an organ solo -  Sortie in E-flat major Louis Lefébure-Wély (1817 – 1869) – played by John Purver on our fabulous newly restored organ.

Comments from the audience included:

  • ‘Wonderful concert. Great mix of music in a beautiful setting’

  • ‘Truly gorgeous church. Definitely worth preserving. Great acoustics for a concert. Wonderful singing tonight.’

  • ‘Gloria with 2 Choirs - Tremendous performance. Wholly fitting with the church and very appropriate – making the most of the building!’

  • ‘Very good. Whitacre piece new and moving.’

  • ‘It is the most wonderful example of late Victorian church buildings.  The flint-capped churchyard wall is most attractive and the church has interesting gargoyles and a splendid tower which is charmingly visible as one approaches Northington and is an asset to the beautiful surrounding countryside.’

  • ‘The skill, knowledge and enthusiasm of all those who combined, mellifluously, to sing and play such beautiful music were unforgettable on my first visit to your church.  John Purver spoke eloquently and it was a particular joy to hear him play your historic organ.’

  • ‘Glorious concert. Music fabulous. Organ sounded wonderful.  Highly appreciated by all of the large audience.  Well done all!’

 2)     Vox Cordis (21st October 2023)

A concert by VOX CORDIS  - a London-based choir  - making a welcome return visit to St John’s. Vox Cordis performs throughout London as well as across the UK.  The programme included works by Palestrina, Tallis, Elgar, Bruckner, Ireland, Howells, plus organ music  - by Tallis and Tomkins - played by Dr Alexander Flood. Conducted by Charlie Grace, this concert marked the Choir’s 8th visit over some 12 years.

  • Conductor: Charlie Grace

  • Organist: Dr Alexander Flood

Comments from the audience included:

  • ‘A sublime concert; glorious singing, and a wonderful programme.’

  • ‘I was so impressed by the beauty of the Church and its condition.  It was a wonderful concert in its superb acoustic.  The lighting round the altar was very sensitive.  I shall come again to study it further.’

  • ‘The Vox Cordis concert was beautiful.’


Delighted children attend Strings and Things family concert!


St John’s and Heritage Open Days 2023