All join in with wonderful festive event with Grange Festival

‘Oh my what a wonderful event!! The singers were utterly brilliant. Full of cheer and good humour and talent! (Audience comment)

The Grange Festival and its Festive Celebration concert in St John’s was a magical family musical event led by professional singers Rob Gildon   and Lynsey Docherty with their pianist, James Longford . They brought to the concert a varied range of music including Christmas songs and seasonal classics – with a good number  of opportunities for the audience to join in  and engage directly with the Christmas spirit.

With both solo and duo items, there was time to reflect - and to listen to songs including those by Michael Head, Brahms, Humperdinck, Adolphe Adam, as well as to poetry by Thomas Hardy, Patrick Kavanagh and Ogden Nash. The songs sung by the audience of well over 100 attendees, including 23 children, brought hilarity and merriment, with a particularly joyous rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas!

 ‘Fantastic -  10/10! Three wonderful artists. The best 12 Days of Christmas ever!’

This was a great heart-warming and uplifting event that undoubtedly left all of us  - on a  particularly cold and freezing, fog filled evening – with smiles and good cheer!

 ‘The concert programme was brilliant and the singers were very good (in fact excellent) at getting us all involved. 

A wonderful start to Christmas!’

 ‘It couldn’t have been a more joyful evening.   St John’s shimmering in the candle light, glorious music and a happy neighbourhood crowd.’ 

‘The Church’s lighting was just perfect for this evening! The sculptures and stonework were brought out by the candlelight!’


St John’s makes for an excellent rehearsal and recording space


Audiences mesmerised by the beauty of Sonic Cradle and the weaving of music, sound, and light