Creative Music Project - Blog progress report (27 Feb 2024)

Early February brought the commencement of a new creative music project  - facilitated by the Organ Project Animateur, Neil Valentine – working with pupils at Preston Candover Primary School. 24 pupils from Years 4 and 5 had attended an introductory workshop to explore the history and heritage and artefacts in the church, including the organ, with the aim then of using their experiences to begin writing a song which they would develop in subsequent school-based workshops. The children have more recently been working with Neil, back at their school, to create and then perform their own unique song.  This is Neil’s blog on progress:   

Tuesday 27th February 2024 - Preston Candover Primary School

After one session in St John’s, last week I went into the school and we continued out project. The aim being to create music inspired by our visit to the church alongside a school value of ‘Hope’.

“We feel free in this space, together as one, with everyone” (Pupil comment)

So far we have created 50% of an original song (currently known as This Place) and a chanting soundscape inspired by our ideas of a hopeful future. This week the main aim was to continue creating the song, with the hope of have enough material that I can put together a completed song before next weeks session.

Today I was joined by Áànú Sodipe, a young violinist from London who I am mentoring as part of my role as an associate musician with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. I was delighted to have her along, as her musicianship, musicality and instrumental skill would really help inspire the children.

We had already created a chorus for our song, so after some fun warmup games, meeting Áànú and listening to her play some Bach we got into more song writing.

This song is turning into quite an epic. Our calm and beautiful chorus which we began before half term in St Johns (This place is calm, this place is quiet, its so surreal in this endless universe) was taken futher with a rousing end to the chorus (We’re all part of this incredible community, standing strong in harmonious unity!). I for one do not go in for musical puns as this in my composition, but the children loved the idea, so we stuck it in!

Today we worked on some new melodies for our verses. Between sessions I took their lyrical ideas and worked them into some verses which I thought would work well. Today we elaborated, developed and came up with some fantastic new melodies!

“It’s like a family, we all look out for each other at the friendship stop”

“It’s like a second home, you always have them beside you by the field and classrooms”

“We feel safe in this place where you’re never alone, making memories in our community”

“Through the thick and the thin, thinking win win, building our happiness”

Next week is week 3 of 4, and we will be welcoming pianist Adam Blosse to work with us to finalise the song in the hope of recording it and performing to some students in on 12th March. Watch this space!


Creative Music Project - Blog progress report (5 March 2024)


Love was in the air for Winchester Consort’s concert!